FIOS – Free In, Out and Stowed (shipper pays all loading, discharging and stowing costs)
FIFO – Free in/ Free out (vide FIOS);
FILO – Free in / Liner out (shipper pays loading costs, liner discharging costs);
LIFO – Liner in / Free out (liner pays loading costs, shipper discharging costs);
LILO – Liner in/out (liner pays loading and discharging costs).

Depending on the shipping company or a particular port practice, different surcharges may be added to the tariff:

CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) – a fee applied to shipping costs to compensate for exchange rate fluctuations;
BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) – the fluctuating part of the maritime freight rates that represents additions due to oil prices.

The pier is a port duty.

CUC (Chassis Using Charge) – a duty for the use of chassis documentation charge, a duty for the execution of documents, etc.